Sunday, November 26, 2017


The kids decided they wanted to make blankets. We went to Joanne's and they picked out their fabric. I told them they were going to make tie blankets so they could do it themselves. They kind of did it themselves. Brie did all of hers. Kylie did some of hers and we all did Sean's. Sean said "it's easier to sew them." Hm, it's easier as when they are sewed I do all of it. Silly boy.

About 2 am I heard someone crying. It was Brie, she had a sore throat. Then Sean starts crying because his nose is stuffy and Kylie was coughing. I gave them all medicine and told them to watch a movie. I woke up and it was morning so they managed to go back to sleep.


Thanksgiving eve we went and saw Justice League. I took both my chins:) Thanksgiving dinner was just us, Carter, David and Kendra. In the evening we went over to Catherine's for some post Thanksgiving food and desert. After we got home the girls came over to spend the weekend.

We did some black Friday bowling.

Sick Valley the week before Thanksgiving

Miss Valley was sick the entire week before Thanksgiving.

Sometimes when you feel bad the only thing that will make you happy is playing in a big box of packing peanuts.

Khloe played in the peanuts after school.

Sometimes even packing peanuts is not enough to made a sad girl happy.

She was forced to resort to can stacking. She can stack them five high.

Christmas Picture reenactment

I thought it would be fun to reenact the first Christmas picture I took of the kids. They really got into it. We went to Target for "onesie pajamas". They spent a lot of time looking at the original picture trying to get their facial expressions down. They kept getting mad at me for laughing while I was taking the picture. But how can you not laugh at this!

Being silly continued after we were done with the tree scene.

Thursday, November 16, 2017


Sean wanted to go see Ethan in a play he was doing at Centerpointe theater. We had both the girls and no car seat for Khloe so we walked over. Not that we wouldn't have walked anyway when it's two blocks away. The girls didn't have their coats so we had to improvise. I thought they looked cute in Sean's sweatshirts.
Checking out the tree at the theater.

Valley loves to sing. The play was a little musical. Actually it was just singing and dancing strung together with a few lines. Valley was so cute she sang even when the kids on stage weren't singing. 

Steph and AJ were both working late so the girls had dinner, baths and new pajamas so they were ready for bed when Steph came to get them. Valley had a fever and a runny nose.

The next morning AJ brought Valley over because her fever was high. She had a good day even though she didn't feel good. She napped and kept busy when she was up.

Busy kids

Impromptu after school play party.

My Christmas cactus bloomed prematurely this year. It's almost done and the blooms are falling off.

This girls enthusiasm for life is so cute. She loves food and gets so excited over fruit or a piece of bread. She really goes crazy if you pull out a piece of candy. When Don or her parents come home she opens her arms and runs to them. She's like a Hallmark greeting card.

Loving some pizza.

Sister love!

Double digits!

It is really hard for me to believe Sean is now double digits. Life goes so fast. Khloe will be starting kindergarten next year. Where does time go? Sean wanted to play Laser Tag at Boondocks and go to a movie for his birthday. He had Ethan, Andrew and a new friend Jacob. 

Laser Tag at Boondocks the Friday before his birthday.

We went and saw Thor (for the second time). It was Don's first time. It's a good movie. Don't think I would have gone a second time if it had't been a birthday request. Sean got a TV for his room. When Don took it out of the box the night of his birthday the screen was broken so we had to go to Target and exchange it for a different TV. The new one is a smart TV but it doesn't have Roku which is kind of a bummer. He can watch Netflix, Youtube and television but we have to add a Roku box for him to watch Amazon. First world problems!

The boys got Sean a cute seal with big sad eyes, when you squeeze it he turns into a monster seal. 

Sean wanted to go to Teppanyaki for his birthday dinner. Andrew had never been so that was fun.

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