Monday, April 29, 2019

Easter Party

We had a big Easter party this year. It was rainy so we had a big party inside. Including the Easter egg hunt.

I decided to try making sugar eggs in mass like we do ginger bread houses. It worked out well and the kids liked it. They decorated differently then I expected. I made a bunch of frosting flowers but they used a lot of Easter candy on top and on the sides. It was cute.

Indoor egg hunt. I'll probably be finding eggs for the next six months.

Catherine did some "egg war" games outside with the big kids.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Happy Birthday again and again to Vally

That face that freaking adorable face. So beautiful. She was really cheeky and laughing to hard to blow out her candles. This we birthday cake # 2. # 1 was in Costa Rica with the same Barbie figures reused. 

This is birthday cake #3 at the Easter party. It was an ice cream cake and the Barbies made a third appearance.

Dying eggs

Incredible Hulk hand

Don bought these egg spinners and the girls loved them but they broke fast. Great idea serious design flaws.

Skipping school

Vally skipped daycare and Khloe skipped school and we went to Sil's for pancakes.

Then they jumped on the trampoline and played video games it was a fun day of school skipping.

Happy Birthday Carter

Carter is 36. That just blows my mind. I want to help him get his condo paid off this year. I've been paying his HOA and he's been paying the mortgage. I'm going to switch him to paying his HOA and I'm going to pay his mortgage. The HOA isn't going away so he needs to get used to paying that. Once the Mortgage is paid I'll have to figure out what to do about his taxes.


Sean did amazing in his piano competition. He scored 97% on a site reading piece. The funny thing was the woman who was testing him thought he was a girl the entire time.

Khloe trying out her piano skills


Getting molds for his braces. Gaggy!

A mouth full of metal. Sean did great having them put on. He ate soft foods for almost a week. I had to take him back in on Monday because a wire was poking him in the cheek. He went in again yesterday for his bands and now he's on the six week visit schedule.

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