Thursday, July 28, 2022

Don's birthday and other July happenings

Don had to work all day on his birthday so Sean, Nate the girls and I met him at Tepenyakki for dinner. Carter was bummed that he couldn't go but he has COVID. On Sunday we had spaghetti for dinner and after dinner Carter asked "Do I look sick?" I asked him "do you feel sick?" He said a little. I did a COVID test and it was positive so he's been out of work all week. He can go off quarantine today. He felt pretty sick Mon and Tues but was a lot better yesterday. 
Cake after dinner.

This is the reason the floor at AJ and Steph's never has food on it and mine gets covered. I guess if I don't want food on my floor I have to buy one of these anticipatory food vacuums.

Sean is going back to in person school half time this fall so we've started back to school shopping.

A funny story: Sean woke me up at 11:30 the other night because he and Nate found a cup of solid rotten milk and for some reason Sean felt the need to set it on fire. They were out in the front yard trying to burn curdled milk until 1 am. Teenagers are so weird. Who looks at a cup of curdled milk and thinks "I gotta burn that!" I'll tell you who does that, Sean!
It kind of reminded me of the time Alex, Steve, Bradley and Connor were outside and for some unknown reason Connor decided to poop in an ice cream cone and leave it on the street and wait for a car to run over it. Instead a dog came and ate it!!! Teenagers are funny humans.



We took the new boat to Bear Lake. We spent the night in a condo so we could explore the lake and surrounding cities. We are kind of dating Bear Lake and considering divesting our Florida properties and investing in Bear Lake. It's closer and more family could use the lake than Florida. Real Estate prices are coming down slightly and the market is slowing so who knows what the market will be a year from now when we think about selling and buying.

Holy crap it was bumpy and I was seriously going to puke. I actually wanted to so I would feel better.

Bear Lake is a really big lake, it's beautiful but it's cold! The cooler air is a plus in this insane climate we are living. I would like having a place to go that's not over 100 in the summer. It's got a very different vibe than Pine View and Park City.



I love these kiddos so much. I hope todays adults leave them a livable world.

My little artist.


Shower take 2 or 3


Finally, a COVID free party. Well, that's doubtful, I'm sure there was someone with undiagnosed COVID or Monkey Pox, or some other ungodly plague there, but nonetheless the party was a success.
There was Cotton Candy, pop corn, arcade games, yummy food, a little pool, water sprayers and lots of shade. It has been hotter than a post apocalyptic day in a world where no one believes or acts on the fact that are planet is burning up. 

Having fun while the planet goes to hell! War, disease, inflation, poverty, global warming, right winged political insanity and a supreme court that has totally lost their sense of morality and justice. It's a totally fucked up world we are living in.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Khloe is 9 going on 16

 I know Khloe will be 16 before I know it but I really want her to stay a little girl for a little longer.

Vally painting her kitty.

Centerville Fireworks


The mountain is on fire (again). They say it's human caused and believed to be firework related.  Interesting country we live in. Fireworks are on sale in every parking lot, pretty much any teenager or adult can buy fireworks and a gun. They can use their purchases to destroy and kill random strangers but a woman can't make a decision about their own body.

93 homes were evacuated last night because fireworks are legal in Utah. Fireworks are ENCOURAGED in Utah. They are for sell in every freaking parking lot. You can buy them in the parking lot of the junior high school.

 I really feel bah humbug about Independence Day. Independence for who?

Stupid COVID

 Alika and Garrett cancelled their wedding twice because of COVID. Alika had a baby shower cancelled in June because Garrett and half the family had COVID. We had a shower planned for Alika on Saturday and Alika had COVID. 

We went ahead and had dinner and whoever felt comfortable coming came. I'd say I'm tired of COVID but whatever comes next could be worse. Monkey Pox, Ebola, the plague, who knows. 

Ever the optimist, She has another party planned next weekend. 

The relatives came


Some of the relatives played computer games.

Some made cotton candy

Some painted pictures

Some rough housed in the living room

Some played hide and seek

And some just played with each other.

Don's new boat

Don decided he wanted a new boat. He now has a boat and it has been sitting in front of the house while he makes improvements and gets to know his boat. 

 We had the car from Florida shipped to Utah. Sean asked me which cars were mine and which were dads. I said all the cars that are currently working without problems are mine!!! Sean laughed. Don likes to work on cars. If a car starts letting me down it's time for me to get a new car.

Cute kids

Connor really likes to use the camera on my phone. He takes lots and lots of selfies and pictures of the ceiling, my leg, his face...... Sometimes he even gets people in his pictures.

Playing on the trampoline when it's not too hot to jump.


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