Saturday, February 25, 2017

Valley's home

Valley got home pretty late Monday night. Khloe was very happy.

Khloe went and got my stethoscope and listened to Valley's lungs and heart. She declared her "all better."

They spent the night at our house until Friday so that I could watch Valley while they went to work and school. I had to work Wednesday and Friday so Don watched her those mornings. Don got laid off of work so he is home.

Wednesday she had a decent day, Thursday she was miserable and Friday she was feeling pretty good. They went home Friday night. They took her to the doctor on Friday and she wanted her to stay on oxygen at night for a couple more days.

Nobody knows the trouble she nose. She is not a fan of the oxygen cannula.

Sick Valley

Little Miss Valley took the prize for being sick. She ended up taking an ambulance ride to PCMC and spending the night. She had RSV. She was on oxygen and wouldn't drink so ended up with an IV. This stress of a sick kid added to AJ's stress of school. He has failed three test and you are only allowed to fail six test before they kick you out of the programming. His stress level is over the top. I look at him and Steph and the kids and think I would not want to go back to that time in my life for nothing, trying to get through school, take care of little kids, support a family. Too much stress and anxiety. I don't know what else I can do to help him and I feel bad for them.

Going for an ambulance ride.

Sad little picture.

She wasn't a huge fan of being confined to the hospital. Then again who is?

Sick Me

Well good grief. I had sick Khloe and sick Valley and then it turned in to sick me. I got some sort of stomach virus on the 13th. I don't recall ever being so sick with diarrhea in my life. I ended up at Instacare twice getting IV fluids, two liters each time. Finally after 5 days I got better. Dang that was miserable. This is first time getting fluids.

Second visit for fluids. 

Sick Khloe

Khloe has gotten over her fear of Sean's robot. She now thinks it's fun to play with. Her language skills are really improving. She can have full conversations now but sometimes she is still hard to understand. The robot is voice activated so it has a hard time interpreting her commands.

Poor Miss Khloe has been sick with a fever and cough. She missed a couple of days from school. Fortunately, I had last week off of work and was able to stay home with sick grandkids.

She told me her mom said she didn't  have to take naps anymore. She even had her mom tell me she didn't have to take naps. I told her she didn't have to take a nap she just had to lay down and close her eyes for a minute. She woke up two hours later. I told her she wasn't supposed to go to sleep she was just supposed to close her eyes.

This baby gets around

Valley has becoming mobile. She's gone from the belly crawl to four legged belly off the floor crawl and now she can pull herself up on furniture. This means she can get into all sorts of things, like onions and oranges. She puts things in her mouth that don't belong in her mouth. She is definitely a little ankle biter and soon to be a full fledged toddler.

Bill Mahr

We had a pre-anniversary date. We went to Bill Mahr at the new Eccles theater downtown. After wards we walked across the street to the Cheesecake Factory. I cannot express my contempt for Donald Trump. For eight years people bitched and moaned that President Obama was going to take away their 2nd amendment and guess what, he didn't. Now Trump is actively trying to take away the 1st amendment and people seem to be OK with that. He calls the mainstream media fake news and is barring CNN, Huffington Post, New York Times and Politico from the White House briefings. I feel like the entire country has lost its mind. Trump is the epitome of narcissism, he is mentally ill and cares about no one but himself, his immediate family and making his rich friends richer. But only if by making those rich friends richer it makes him richer. He doesn't care if he destroys the environment, the economy, the educational system or the health care system. How sane people can support him baffles me. I've been writing letters to congressmen, sending emails, signing petitions. 

Waiting For Michael Vey #6

Sean and I have been reading and listening to the Michael Vey book series. There are six books so far. Book six ended with a cliff hanger. Much to Sean's dismay book 7 doesn't come out until October 31.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

March for Refugees

There was a march to support refugee's at the capitol. They marched all the way up state street. It was impressive and very loud! There were thousands of people there. It Trump's alternative fact life there were MILLIONS of people there.

Silly Girl

We were frosting cookies and Khloe wanted Milla to help her. Milla went jogging instead. Khloe cried crocodile tears as she frosted her cookies. It's a hard knocks life.

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