Friday, March 19, 2010


Two funny stories:
Alika went to Kohls to buy a bra with Kohls cash I had given her as a babysitting bonus. She puts her bra on the counter and the casheir says "Alika"? She looks up and it is someone she was friends with in H.S. who went from being a shrimp to six foot plus (and his voice changed). Alika said "you got tall" he said "and good looking." Ahh and of course she was buying a bra. Oh well.

Yesterday at work I was in the bathroom and I got a gusher of a nose bleed. Blood was pouring on the floor and all over the toilet and I was pinching my nose and trying to get toilet paper. Linda (Claudia's sister) was in the bathroom. I said "crap, I'm bleeding everywhere I need help." Linda said "that can't be good" and handed a tampon over the stall.  I said Linda, "I've had a hysterectomy." She said "I know, that's why it can't be good." I came out holding my nose and we both had a needed laugh.

Not funny story:
Don's sister Dava went in for a hysterectomy last week. She called me a couple of days before and asked how mine was. I told her it was a peice of cake, and no worries. Well, mine was a peice of cake her was a peice of crap. Her uterus had adhesions to her bowels and they had to resect them. Her laparascopic became open. Then she had an ileus. They sent her home in pain, not pooping. She went back and on CT they found she had urine in her abdomen all the way up to her lungs. They readmitted her and were taking her back to surgery to try to fix her bladder. That really sucks.

Life is stressful and I try to keep it in perspective. There's stress about family, stress about health and then stress about business. It's interesting how stress about my business can affect me as much as stress about family and health. I wish it wasn't true but it is. I keep looking at Sean and trying to put things into perspective but it doesn't seem to decrease my stress. I know life can't be easy all the time there are always obstacles. I guess one of the good things about stress is it feels good when it stops. I also think about Haiti and Chile and all the people living in desperation and try to keep perspective. I know that's all vague but I'm really too stressed to write about what's stressing me. I have a lot of people telling me things will be ok and I am trying hard to be positive.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Jenny was insistent this week that Sean spend Sunday and Monday night at her house. He’s only spent three nights in the past six weeks so I decided to not argue the issue. Don dropped him off yesterday at 4. Jenny called this morning and wanted to know when I could take the girls swimming and when I was picking up Sean. (I will pick him up right this minute…is that an option.) I told her I would have to check the recreation center schedule. She called again at 3 and said she and Ryan were at the dentist and he was getting two teeth pulled. I asked where Sean was and she said he was at Ryan’s brother Mike’s house. Ryan’s brother whose wife can’t stand Jenny or her kids. Remember the fight where Jenny and her sister in law were beating each other up and the police came and Ryan went to jail because he had outstanding warrants. Yes, my sweet little biscuit is in that lovely home. Two weeks ago when he spent the night she told me later that she had left him with a sitter and gone out to the movie with friends. Why, does she want him and then leave him with anyone she can find to watch him? It makes me worry like crazy! She said he had a hard time going to sleep last night and that he and Brie got up in the middle of the night and were playing. Great. When I asked her what she was doing tomorrow she said “keeping the kids out of Ryan’s way because he’s going to be in pain.” Great, again. I told her to call me and I would pick Sean up if he was adding to the stress. Unfortunately she doesn’t think that way. It’s not real stress to her until someone gets beat up and the police come.

I hate, hate, hate that Sean has to go there. He comes home reeking of cigarettes with red runny eyes and a cough. I am grateful we have custody but honestly I can’t help but want more…

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