Sunday, April 20, 2014

At the Parks

After dying Easter eggs, having an Easter egg hunt, breakfast at McDonald's, lunch at Chick-Fil-A, jumping on the trampoline, swimming at the recreation center and going to three parks the girls said they weren't ready to go home because "we haven't done anything fun yet!" I guess I don't know their definition of fun.
This was their favorite park so they went there twice in one day. Kylie kept trying to convince Sean that the water in the stream was warming up. Sean wasn't buying it.

Sean and Kylie were racing across the monkey bars and Brie was the judge and had to identify the winner. Needless to say the loser contested her call.

Sean is still not buying "the water is warm."

They crawled through a tube under a little bridge at the park. Eek, who knows what nastiness lurks in there.

Trying out the toilets at Home Depot. And those girls said we hadn't done anything fun!

Checking out the scenery at Walmart.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Easter Egg Hunt

The cutest little Easter baby in the world.  

The outfit is so adorable. Khloe's looking at those thing on her feet and asking "what the heck are these things on my feet? They don't taste good, hey don't make a noise, they don't keep my feet warm." They just look cute Khloe!

The Jensen's came over. Holland and Ryder hunted for eggs with the kids. They hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Ryder just turned five. Here they are 5, 6, 7, and 8.

Holland and Ryder's little brother Eli. 

Khloe giving Eli a look. I wonder what she is thinking.

Spring flowers, Steph and Khloe.

Coloring eggs

It's been years since the kids all colored eggs together. They had fun and didn't even make a mess. I let them each color a dozen. We had deviled eggs for lunch and I still have 18 eggs that need to be eaten.

While we were coloring eggs Kylie asked "how come you are our grandma but Sean's mom." I said "well, it's kind of a long story." Brie starts waving her arms and says "I know it, I know the whole thing! Let me tell it!" Well do tell Brie. She said Jennie and Ryan couldn't take care of us so Grandma did" A nice abridged version.

A fun weekend with sisters

The kids were so excited to spend the weekend together. I picked the girls up while Sean was at school and we walked over to the school and surprised him! The girls wanted to wear a pair of Sean's glasses. They look so grown up. We walked home from school with Sean. They were running and giggling and being silly all the way home. They wanted to know why I wanted them to walk instead of ride. I know how wild they are the first couple of hours they are together.

We went to Chick Fil A for lunch. It wasn't open the last time the girls were here. 

We went to Walmart to pick up Easter baskets. The kids were pretending to be Easter zombies. I think being an Easter zombie is a bit sacrilegious. Sean is so into Plants vs Zombies right now. Stuffed zombies and plants is all he wants in his Easter basket. Obviously we are going with the pagan celebration and not the religious. 

Occasionally they slept.

Khloe got in on the fun. She was so silly. Khloe's royal little self insisted she needed to grant permission before anyone was allowed to leave the room. I promise you she wasn't giving anyone permission. If you even looked like you were going to leave the room she cried. As long as everyone stayed on the bed she was happy.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The small victories in life

I took the kids swimming at the rec center today. They were busy the entire weekend. Non-stop, go go go.

Here the kids are measuring Sean to see if he is FINALLY tall enough to go down the slide by himself. After much discussion among themselves they asked my opinion. I said I thought he was tall enough so up they went. They must have gone down that slide ten times. Sean has been standing up against that orange pole for years just waiting to be declared tall enough to slide by himself. Very exciting day. I love Brie's face, she is saying "I don't think he's tall enough" and Kylie is saying "look Grandma LOOK, he's tall enough."

I waited down at the end to see if he needed help which he did not.


We hadn't been to the dentist for over a year. Our dental insurance last year limited us to Monarch Dental. We are NOT fans of Monarch. Don's new insurance let us go to just about any dentist we want. I started Sean at a pediatric dentist office in Bountiful. It was a good experience. Sean's teeth are great no cavities and they are coming in straight. He's about to lose his top two teeth. The dentist said he may lose two other teeth quickly because the adult teeth coming in our big.

 The top two baby teeth have no roots left. Time for them to move on out.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Carter is 31

Carter is 31. I'm not sure which makes me feel older the fact that I have a son who is 31 or that I have two sons who are bald!

We went to early dinner for Carter's birthday. 

Grandma even ventured out.

Khloe ate straws and chop stix.

The day before Carter's birthday we had dinner and cake at home. 

Just because she's cute

Happy face. Check out my teeth. 

Serious face

Determined face. I WILL get my shoe in that hole.

Sleepy face.

Hungry face. Where is my food??

Sean face.

Crawling with a purpose face.

There' is something on my hand and I don't know what is, I'm interested face.

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