Sunday, October 15, 2023

Cedar Springs

This is the third fire at Cedar Springs in two or three years. The last one killed a lady but this one caused the most structural damage. It took out an entire row of houses. No people or animals were killed. It was so bad that it burned the cars in the car ports. Carter heard the explosion and people screaming. He said it was pretty scarey.


Yes, I still have grandchildren


I still have kids and grandkids even though I've only posted dog pictures. This was fire truck day at the library.

They grow up too fast. Who is this Big Bird and what did she do with my Little Bird?

Old Friends


Susan May one of the nursery nurses died from a fast-moving cancer. We went to Tooele for her graveside service on a cold Monday morning. It was sad but it was wonderful to see old friends. We went to Charity's restaurant and sat and talked for hours. I asked Vic to take the picture and he took one and it's awful of Charity and Ginger but it's all I got.

Holly and Odie

I'm officially a crazy dog lady. 


Amusing myself at the dog's expense

The day after I signed Odie's adoption paperwork, I took her to the vet. They did x-rays and blood work. The following Wed, I took her in to have her rotten teeth. Mary Smart, the vet, said that she was impossible to intubate because of a problem with her throat. Her vocal cords looked OK, so she doesn't know if someone just jabbed something in her trachea, she was born with a defect, or she has some sort of tumor or cancer in her throat. She said she would have to do a tracheostomy if she ever needed major surgery. She was able to pull the teeth with just a little gas anesthesia. I asked if she had ever had a dog she couldn't intubate before, and she said one in vet school. Poor little thing. In the three weeks we've had her, she has gained 1 pound 4 ounces. That's a lot of weight in a short time. She eats non-stop. At first, I was trying to push the calories, but I no longer have to worry about that. The dog likes to eat.

Holly is pretty funny with her. They play well, but there is some jealousy. I make sure to give whatever I want Holly to have to Odie first because I know Holly will take hers, and Odie will end up with Holly.


Marjie and my bowls

I picked up the bowls Marjie and I made when she was here last month. I'm going to send Marjie my bowl and keep hers. It makes me smile.


Lewis Black

Don and I went and saw Lewis Black at Eccles theater. It was good but not great. I prefer watching his short skits on the Daily Show. It was a nice night out though.


Odie who is no longer a foster dog


*LOST DOG* This sweet girl was brought into us. We are not able to get into any contact with anyone from the phone number that was on her collar. She will  be transferred to animal control tomorrow.
As I was searching for Odie's original family I posted info on Facebook. I got about a zillion responses, well really about 80 but one of them was from the vet took who took care of her when she was found and brought to a vet office to have her chip scanned. They gave her a hair cut and kept her for a night hoping to find her family. That makes this my first picture of Odie. I kept calling her Other Dog, then Don started calling her O.D. then I decided Odie, like Garfield and Odie.


After getting about 85 responses from people wanting to adopt her I came to the realization that I wanted to adopt her. 

Sean's missing brother


Sean's older brother (named Damien at birth) who we always called "the brother we don't know" reached out to Jennie. He was raised in Tooele and just turned 20. It's kind of freaky how much he and Sean look alike. They've met a couple of times and I think it's been fun for Nathaniel Cramer (his name since adoption) to get to know a bunch of his bio siblings. He thought he was Brazilian. According to Jennie before they knew their heritage they thought they were Brazilian and somewhere along the line DCFS got that info and passed it on.

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