Wednesday, January 31, 2024

SGI with Catherine

I spent a week in Florida, and all I've got is a bunch of dog pictures. Odie took her first (as far as I know) plane ride.

Holly's a pro, but she still gets airsick in her career.

Odie, sweet Odie. I've said she is so dumb she couldn't find her way out of a cardboard box. I took her to a family bathroom. I opened the door to the carrier, and she rolled around six times before I could pull her out. She literally could not figure out how to get out.

Eating honey suckers in Apalachicola.

Little doggie playpen for the beach.

There were so many sea urchins on the beach. Holly kept eating them and rolling around in the dead ones.

I was upstairs, and Catherine yelled, "Do you know where Holly is?" Holly had gone out on the bedroom balcony and climbed on the neighbor's roof. That dog is crazy!


Winter in Utah

I called Don from work and asked him if he'd let the dogs out. This is the picture I received in return. Two dogs in diapers refusing to go outside.

Holly is in air jail for some reason.

Taking three of the four grands to lunch.


Saturday, January 20, 2024


Marjie and Cary went to Canada after her health scare. She got to see where Shari and Kestrel live and she attended Shari's surprise wedding.


New carpet

We had new carpet installed in three of the upstairs bedrooms. It didn't bother Birdie she just scooted between two mattresses and watched Ms Rachel.

Birdie also tagged the back of a mattress with crayon. She's quite creative.

One completed room.


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