Saturday, January 26, 2019


I found a tour company on TripAdvisor with really great reviews so we spent Friday in Tijuana. Our tour guide West picked us up at the hotel and it took about 30 minutes to get to the border. We had a great lunch in Rosadlinda Mexico.

Sean did some shopping.

I thought it was a great time to see the wall since fighting over funding for more wall has shut down the government for 35 days. As West explained wallatics Tyson walked along the wall and said "there has to be a better way, can't we use technology." We need to send that boy to congress.

Sean's standing in the US and I'm in Mexico.

Standing in two countries.

Cool statue on a mountain over looking the ocean.
I'm not really sure what this was about. We were on Revolution street and West was giving some sort of bribe to a police officer and a PR person was taking our picture. It was kind of weird.

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