Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Election drama

This election year has been incredibly stressful. The country is in the middle of a pandemic, the world is a mess and the president is an insane narcissistic asshole who belongs in prison. I was pretty stoked with Biden won the election. I'll be even more stoked if the narcissistic asshole doesn't destroy democracy, the country or the world before he leaves the White House. Oh how I would love to see him, his family and a lot of his associates in hand cuffs standing in a court room.

Carter was pretty stoked about Biden winning. As he should be when he donated over $7000 to the democratic party this election season. The only positive side of him giving away 25% of his yearly income to politicians is that he didn't give it to the Republicans. Carter said he was having some financial problems which was pretty weird. He asked me to help him make a budget. Ultimately the budget was pretty easy. Carter don't give your money away and you will have enough! He really didn't understand how much money he had donated on his credit card. He didn't get worried until he couldn't pay off his credit card and was burning through his savings account. I cancelled his credit card, changed his email and got him a new phone number so hopefully the phone calls asking for money will stop. He believed them when they said they needed "him" to win the election. I'm still not totally sure Carter understands that he was taken advantage of. I forget how disabled he is until I get smacked in the face with how disabled he is.

There's been snow:)


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