Sunday, March 1, 2009

Don and Alika go skiing at Snow Basin

Don and Alika went to Snow Basin today. Don skied, Alika snow boarded. They had fun but said it was really windy at the top. Snow was good, company was good, food was good. David didn't want to ski, he was sore from hockey. He stayed home with his mom who is recovering from surgery. She had her spine fused on Thursday. They did it through her neck. Don saw her today and she's actually feeling better then she was before the surgery. Alika says she is in really good spirits. Amazing what relief from chronic pain will do for you.
I worked all day, taught for 10 hours. Sean went to see his birth parents for the day. Don took him over at 8:30. They were all asleep on the couch in the living room. Jenny said they were getting up early to meet with the bishop about getting some furniture. I told Don last night that since LDS social services was paying for their apt that Ryan would quit his job at DI. Sure enough he's already quit. "It's toooo hard" he said. Un-freaking believable. I was so angry I could hardly look at him. How can you be that irresponsible. I am predicting in the next 10 days there will be some more drinking or drug drama. I told Kylie and Brie I would take them swimming tomorrow. Kylie cried and wanted to come home with me...please she said. It made me sad. I brought Sean home in a poopy diaper dried to his bum. He went straight to the tub, had a scrambled egg and was asleep in bed within 30 minutes of getting home.


Stephanie-jean Life:SemiCrunchy said...

THE DI IS TOO HARD? Seriously!?!? Ahhhhhh... Dan wants to shake him!

mnmsalyer said...

I nearly had to stop at the comment about doing the spine surgery through her neck. Aaaahhhhhh! (Think Mackaulay Kulkin in Home Alone screaming.) I suppose it would be a much better type of recovery than my back surgeries have been, but the thought still absolutely gives me the willies.

Working at DI is too hard. Really? REALLY? I'm glad the baby is with you as often as possible. Heaven forbid someone might have to strain a muscle and wipe his nose, change his diaper, or prepare a meal for the child.

Hey, I'm tagging you. My good friend from when I was growing up tagged me about a month ago and I've finally sat down and done mine. I don't know if I did it correctly, but I ended up enjoying doing it. I'd love it if you have the time to put some - 6, to be specific - of your thoughts down.

Here are the rules:

(1) Share 6 non- (though not necessarily un-) important things about yourself on your blog.
(2) Tag 6 blogging friends to then do the same.
(3) Let each person know s/he’s been tagged by leaving a comment on his or her blog.
(4) Let your tagger know when your entry is up.

On my blog, the entry talks about Tagrit. :-)

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