Friday, June 6, 2014

More sister time

I took Sean for his yearly pulmonology appointment yesterday and it was not our regular doctor. (I liked this on more.) He said "Sean you have a tan already." He gets dark fast. I told the doctor he'd been outside a lot but it was mostly his ethnicity.

Since he's been swimming this summer Sean has become very confident and swims across the pool. He doesn't want to wear a life vest in the pool. 

We went to a park in North Salt Lake. It was a nice park but it was full of really young kids. It made me kind of sad that the kids are so big now that they are too old for parks full of little kids.

We left the NSL park and went to Smoot park so the kids could play in the stream. The water was cold!!!

Kylie and Sean got in the water but Brie wasn't having it.

So grown up.

I took them back to the pool at 9:30 am so they could swim a couple of hours before I took them home. It's 1 hundred mile trip from our house to theirs. They had such a great time though. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, look how big they are all getting. I have been enjoying f/b posts but clearly have missed out on some lovely blog posts of yours. I love all the outings and adventures you all go on!
Blessings, Sheri

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