Friday, September 15, 2017

My Tuesday Girl

AJ is doing an internship at Smith's on Tuesday so Valley is hanging out with me. 

Sean was home from school sick on Tuesday. Valley helped him practice piano.

OK, so he wasn't real sick. On Monday he felt pretty bad and I took him to work with me because I was worried he'd get sicker and I didn't want him to be home alone. He didn't feel good Tuesday morning but by noon he felt fine. Here he's listening to Imagine Dragons and reading Michael Vey which he says is the perfect mix.

I don't know who made this mess.

Surely it wasn't this cute little monkey.

For some reason she carried the scale around and that thing is heavy. She kept standing on it. I told her all he weight is in her diaper.

Taking more selfies of her cheeto face self. I've got about 100 pictures of the top of her head, my ceiling,, my blanket.

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