Monday, December 31, 2018

Master Bath

We ordered the new bathroom cabinets in September and they were finished December 21st. The windowsill was in really bad shape. It was uneven. I had the overgrown plant covering it up. After the new windowsill was put in and I didn't need to cover it the plant got a trim. 

Goodbye pink. I think that really is the last of the pink in the house. We've been here 19 years that's a long time with pink counter tops.

The new cabinets were delivered a month before the install. We had an out of the way place to put them so they weren't in the way.

Tear out and cabinet install was the same day but there was a three week time between cabinets and counter tops. They had to come out and map out a 3D so the counter tops could be made.

Install day. We brushed our teeth in the bathtub for three weeks. 
Almost done.


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