Monday, December 28, 2009

Diaper in the sky

Airfare $1200
Snacks $4.50
Luggage check-in $60

Changing a standing two year olds drippy, poopy diaper in an airplane bathroom while he screams at the top of his lungs and bangs his head against the door and people outside pound on the door and shout are you OK, do you need help?


Yes, I know there is a changing table above the toilet in the airplane bathroom and if I had given birth to a premature baby in flight and changed that two pound baby’s diaper before we landed it might have been small enough to fit on that 10 inch table.


Anti-Supermom said...

Your last line was the funniest thing I've read in a long time.


still laughing.

*not that 2lb babies born on airplanes are funny, but the scenario of a 10 inch changing table is*

Anonymous said...

Oh you make me laugh. Have fun on your trip!!

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

I actually laughed out loud on your post. I haven't flown with my kids yet. Your post makes me think that there may be value in waiting until they're both potty-trained.

Angelia (Texas) said...

Nothing like kids on planes. LOL.

Thanks for stopping by my blog on SITS shareday. Hope you have a great trip!

LORI said...


mommiebear2 said...


LadyFi said...

LOL! You're so right... Changing a two-year-old on a plane is a nightmare!

shortmama said...

I cannot even imagine trying to change a diaper on an airplane!

Alissa Grosso said...

Since I think changing diaper is a challenge to begin with, changing a diaper in an airplane should be some sort of Olympic event.

Traci said...

Those changing tables are USELESS!!! But I am not sure that I have heard a funnier description.

I hope that you have a wonderful new year and that it does not involve anymore mid-air poopy changes!


I'm a full-time mummy said...

Hahaha LOL! Funny post!

Thanks for visiting my blog & have a nice day! :)

C. said...

Oh my! I can barely fit my but in one of those bathrooms and its not that big! Your experience rivals an olympic event!

Herself said...

I remember those days! With a hubby in the military, being stationed overseas, and dragging five little ones around the world on Stand-by military cargo planes, (strapped into hammock-like benches called jump seats) traveling was a real adventure. If it doesn't kill you, you'll be stronger for it! Enjoy your adventures!
PS: Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Together We Save said...

That is too funny. I have never been in the bathroom on an airplane...shocking I know, but I can only imagine how hard this would be.

gina said...

TGall of my girls were out of diapers by the time we started flying with them!!

Rhonda said...

Priceless indeed!!! Hilarious!

scrappysue said...

priceless indeed! some made for purpose spaces are SO inpractical! thanks for stopping by and happy new year!

Unknown said...

I love the sense of humor!!!

Mary K Brennan said...

I haven't graduated to that point in my life that allows me to feel comfortable bringing my children on a plane. Kudos to you Mom.
By the looks of the picture, he did real well! Happy trails.

Nancy/BLissed-Out Grandma said...

Very funny observation! Thanks for commenting on my blog....I have just spent a very long time reading about your family and loving it. Loved the pix of making gingerbread houses and the stories about Sean, and so much more,

Queenie Jeannie said...

Ugh! Been there, done that, you have my condolences!!!

Happy New Year and thank you for visiting me on my special SITS Day!

Claudya Martinez said...

I'm still stuck on the $60 for luggage check it. Ouch!

hope2adoptbaby said...

Nice. I was laughing too. At least they didn't open the door from the outside when he was banging on the door and screaming! :) Happy New Year! Shelby

Salt said...

I always thought those "changing tables" looked completely useless!!!


Shell said...

I always changed my son's diaper right there on the seat and glared at anyone who glared at me. Those changing tables are useless!

Stopping in from SITS.

Beans said...

thanks for visiting my blog not so long ago! i see what is in store for me....about to board a plane to israel in 3 days with a toddling 10mth old. hmmm. drippy poo and a 10 inch change table! holy crap!

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