Friday, April 2, 2010

Nightmares and Committees

I defended my thesis this morning. I had heart palpations the entire time!

Last night I had a nightmare. I was being chased through a swamp by the “swamp thing”. He was like a big snake with legs. I was trying to swim through muddy water but kept getting caught up on tree roots and dirty water was in my mouth. In my dream I was thinking “I hope I don’t catch any diseases from this swamp water” and "I hope the swamp thing doesn’t catch me and kill me". Once I got out of the swamp Big Foot started chasing me. At that point I woke up with a start. That was a really weird dream, Big Foot and Swamp Thing. Strange! I got up drank some water to get the taste of swamp out of my mouth and went back to sleep. In my next dream I had an ostomy. I had the biggest stoma I have ever seen. It covered a quarter of my abdomen. My colostomy bag kept filling up with crap, I would change it and it would be full of crap again immediately!

Weird, weird, weird! What does all of this mean? It wasn’t until after my defense that I figured it out. My committee is made up of monsters and my thesis is a bunch of crap that continues to spew out of me even though I have been disemboweled by my committee.
How did it go you ask? I thought it went really crappy! (No pun intended) But in the end they told me not to miss the application for graduation deadline! Yes, you heard it I’m actually going to be done. I’ve been working on this for 8 years. AJ was 12 when I started. None of Jenny’s five kids had been born yet! I am done with my committee. I have to reword a couple of things and add three paragraphs to the conclusion for my Chair. (Just my Chair. Note: there were only two monsters in the dream, they were the committee members not my Chair)
Yippee. I submitted my intent to graduate form and paid the $25 application fee this afternoon. Could it be, am I really going to be done? We will see. The diploma isn’t on my wall yet. Soon, hopefully, soon.

Some cute pictures, just because.
Sean has become quite the artist and the world is his canvas. OK, in this particular case his face was.
They are tearing down McDonald's moving it to where the parking lot used to be then putting an In and Out Burger in between where McDonalds was and the 7-11. Complicated? That's ok Sean likes the view from his bedroom window. He particullarly likes it when the house shakes and he can see why.
The Woods Cross airport had free plane rides for kids. Don thought Sean was a little young to go in a plane without a parent but let him sit in the plane and get a picture. Sean thought he was so cool.

The next day while out walking with Don Sean saw a motorcycle for sell. "take my picture" he said.

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