Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Silly children

There was more snow to shovel this week. It was really crunchy icy snow. Not fun to play in.

Sean didn't want to go to school yesterday he wanted to stay home and play with Ethan. I had to take Carter to a doctor appointment downtown and meet Jenny for an hour so I kept him home. This is what he and Ethan did, hung Woody and anything else they could tie up over the stairs.

Today Sean went to see Ethan after school and Ethan walked over wearing gloves on his feet. Liam was following him wearing nothing at all. I picked him up and was carrying him back in his house when his mom came running. I tell you those two boys are something else.
 Ryan was a no show for his visit with the girls today. Sean and Jenny just hung out at the downtown library for an hour yesterday. Sean is really funny with her. It's like he can't figure out who this lady is and why he is expected to spend time with her. He's a good sport about it though.

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