Sunday, July 9, 2017


I forgot to post Valley's first boating pictures. While Sean and I were in NC, Don went boating with AJ and Steph and the girls for father's day. There's been a lot of snow run off and the lake has been full and cold.

Chillin on the boat.
John and Julie Warehime took their kids up to the lake for a couple of nights. We joined them for boating on the Saturday before the 4th. Don had the kids out on the boat for about 8 hours. The girls were burned. Don, Sean and Nate went up in the morning.  I didn't come up until 3 after work. We got home around 9.

The kids had a great time tubing. Just watching them spin the boat around made me sea sick.

My art project while I waited

Good thing Don put the sun top up on the boat. We don't usually do that.

After a day on the lake the kids still wanted to swim in the pool.

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