Sunday, September 29, 2019

Not a very picture worthy September


Sean's had this exercise equipment in his room since he moved in. He never uses it and wanted it gone. I posted it on Facebook for a couple of months and I talked to a lot of people but no one bought it so I posted it for free and it was gone in a couple of hours.

Now Sean can start dragging his furniture around and rearrange his room every couple of months like Alex did,

And there's room for two blow ups so when Kylie and Brie sleep over they don't all have to sleep in the same bed. Not that there aren't two other rooms with empty beds right next to his.

AJ started working at the beginning of the month. Years of work and dreams and he finally is a pharmacist.

I sent the girls a count down until I arrive advent calendar of sorts. I would have made one for myself but I know how many days until we go to Fla:)

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