Saturday, November 30, 2019

Day 2 in Japan

I thought the escalator at the Atlanta airport was tall. It's nothing compared to the ones at the "Cube" in Kyoto. They keep going and going and going.

That's  a lot of stairs.

 At the top of the "Cube." I'm not quite sure what it is, it's a mall and the top of the train station. It was really windy and cold.
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We were trying to find an indoor activity so we weren't out in the wind so went to the aquarium. They had some cool fish and salamanders. The dolphin show was lame.

Don wanted to eat at a beef bowl restaurant. Don and I liked it, Sean not so much.

We were walking back to our hotel and Don saw a crane shop. We went inside and talked to the owner and at 3 we went back to learn to make cranes. I don't know how you make a living teaching people to make cranes but apparently it's a thing. I think it's just a retired couple who own the building or part of the building. While Don and Sean were making cranes we saw a lot of police outside. The man whose English was limited and his wife told us the Emperor of Japan was going to pass in front of the store at 3:45 on his way to the train station. We stood outside at watched the motorcade and waved to the Emperor of Japan. Kind of a cool thing to do.

Video of the motorcade.

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