Sunday, August 16, 2020

Five months of weirdness and still going strong


I made it 20 weeks without missing a single day of walking a minimum of five miles and then I started feeling bad and broke my streak.  

This week I walked my 10,000 steps 5 days so that's an improvement. I had the echo cardiogram last week which was normal. I got the first of the bills for whatever the heck my problem is. $11,000+ for the ER visit. Wow! I just met my deductible.

We've had really great renters in 512 for the past 4 years but they are moving back to Idaho. His company told him he will be able to work from home permanently so they decided to move back to Idaho where they can buy a house for a reasonable amount of money.

Sean is working on building his own computer. He's learned a lot looking up information and finding out how much all the different pieces cost.
Khloe is truly a snaggle toothed little girl with all her missing teeth. There is nothing cuter than little kids with missing teeth. Soon she will have her big teeth too big for her little face:) Maybe her's won't be as big as my kids. There teeth always looked so huge until they were around 12.

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