Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Strange Week

Yesterday I was feeling really crappy, my chest hurt I was tired and short of breath. I wanted to go to the post office and mail a box of books to Khloe but I was too tired to get dressed so I disguised myself in my nightgown with a floppy hat, mask and sun glasses. I could have been any homeless woman at the post office. I wanted to go to the library but I was too tired. My echo got cancelled because insurance hasn't approved it so if I need it I will probably have to go get another COVID test. This Pandemic is still going strong. Utah's numbers are coming down but schools are opening soon and the crap is going to hit the fan when that happens. Today I started magically feeling a lot better. I walked my five miles. I did it very slow but I did it and I didn't get to much out of breath. I haven't used an icepack or taken any advil today. It's weird cause last night I felt so bad. Hopefully whatever it is that has been making me sick is passing. Now I'm not sure I even need the echo stress test.
Sean wants a long board so he is practicing his piano.

It's been 104 and 105 a couple days. Don and I had talked about getting some sort of air conditioning unit for our bedroom because it's so darn hot.Catherine had bought four and wasn't using one of them so she brought it over. I liked it and paid her for it. If the kids magically decided they want it they can buy another one. This one was just sitting under a bed. Our room was nice and cool. It kind of sounds like a hotel with an AC going on and off all night. This morning as I walked downstairs the house kept getting hotter and hotter. The main AC wasn't cooling. I called Manwill who had done our heater they said they'd come tomorrow after noon. I called Catherine's guy and he said he would come after lunch. He had it fixed before it got to 80. Our air conditioning is 20 years old and is living on borrowed time but hopefully it will limp through to fall. Our fabulous renters the Pierces at 512 are moving to Idaho at the end of the month so we will have to get new renters.

Quick fix. I still haven't seen the bill but the house is cool. A new AC is like $4600 which is less than the beach AC.  We did just buy a new dishwasher this week and last week I got Carter a new floor, dishwasher and toilet so I want to postpone the new AC as long as we are staying cool

I spent sometime with my little CASA, COVID makes visits creative.

Time for July:
I spent approximately 3 hours online with him this month
I sent a couple postcards from Fla (yes I went to Fla again! I'm supposed to be there now but wasn't feeling well)
15 minute butt call with Foster mom when I was trying to look up their address to mail postcards
I dropped off a handmade (by a friend not me) stuffed toy at his house

If all else fails maybe he can do standup. I thought I'd share a couple of his jokes from one of our facetime calls.

Where is a safe place from zombies?
The living Room.

What do you call a magical turd?

 What do you need after you have bean soup for dinner?
A gas mask

What do you call a bear with no teeth?   
A gummy bear

Why shouldn’t you fart in a elevator?
It’s wrong on so many levels

Why was the apple so grouchy?
Because it was a crab apple

Why did a take the pirate so long to learn the alphabet
Because he spent so long at C

My plan was to watch a movie online with him via zoom but he just wanted me to watch him play Legos and listen to him talk. So that is what we did. His memory is just amazing. I was looking up jokes online while he was telling them and I would start to tell a joke and he would finish it. I think the kid knows every corny 8 year old joke out there.  I asked him about the stuffed toy I gave him and he told me he really liked it and named it Fluffy. He said his mom put it in the basement because he was bad. He then proceeded to show me the holes he had put in the wall in his bedroom. Yep, I would call that behavior pretty rotten. I knew from talking to Rosie that he had to have two COVID test and that he totally freaked out. I told him I was tested for COVID this week and that I didn't like how it made me feel. He told me he threw a box at the people who were doing his.
He spent about an hour telling me about the Titanic and showing me how to make a Titanic Lego ship. He is a Titanic expert. I was pleased that I was included in the one lifeboat he had on board and survived the iceberg and sharks. Did you know that when you are one on one doing nothing but watching a kid play the kid will still say "watch me?"   If I turned my head to the side he would want to know what I was doing and what I was looking at and that I needed to watch him. 
This month was kind of an interesting evolution in our relationship. Not sure how to explain it other than I survived the crash of the Titanic:)
  A couple online pictures below.  It was in the afternoon and he said "I'm still in my pajama's." I said "that's OK, I'm still in mine!"

 On a funny note I had hung up with him because Khloe was calling. I had Khloe on my phone and he was freaking out calling me so I answered. He wanted to know what I was doing I told him my grandaughter was reading to me and that really got him flustered. He had to go find a bigger book and tell me that he could read it.
Khloe was pretty oblivious to him and was reading me a western story chapter book. She did a great job,

Sean wanted to know what was for lunch today and I told him all the left overs from the food people have been bringing us. It looked like so much food it kind of made me feel sick. It was really nice of people to bring us food.

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