The homeless youth center called me last week and asked if I would talk to their kids during “group” about sex, STD’s, birth control and general health. I went to the center to talk to the director about what information she was looking for and asked what the age group would be and if it would be male/female or both. She said male and female and that 40% of their kids were LGBT. I sat there trying to figure out what LGBT was. I know a lot of acronyms but couldn’t place that one so I had to ask. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender, hmm, never would have figured that one out. This led to the question, why are so many homeless youth LGBT? The answer, “because their parents kick them out.” I guess I should have seen that coming but it really did surprise me. Wow, really, that many parents kick their teenagers out of the house for being gay. Amazing.
Today I went and met with the kids. Nothing shocking, but I am not easily shocked, mostly just sad. I really see it more as a homeless youth singles center. They seem to either be having sex with or have had sex with each other. I told one of the guys that when you have unprotected sex with someone you are exposing yourself to everyone that person has had with sex. He wanted to know if that made him gay. There was also a lot of talk about who was in jail today. One of the guys was going to jail next week. He was pretty happy about it. He said for 120 days he could eat, sleep, exercise, it would make him quit smoking and he wouldn’t have to pay any of his court ordered fines.
I was mildly curious about the kid’s histories and how they came to be homeless but not curious enough to ask. I noticed that all the girls sitting at the table had been or were “cutters.” Not surprising given their life circumstances but intriguing. I wonder what percentage of homeless youth self mutilate. I expect it would be a high percentage.
I am grateful for my life!
Wow, the experiences you have. I think they're lucky to have you come talk to them. Such sad situations though.
I really like your post. So interesting. I agree with Heather, sad situations :-(
Hard to believe that so many parents would throw their kids out because of their sexual orientation in this day and age, but then I always end up being shocked by things like this.
As a Mother, I can't imagine turning your back on your child for their sexual orientation. So terribly heartbreaking & wrong.
Great post, I think it'll open a lot of eyes to the realities of young people living on the street.
Thanks for visiting my blog! :) I'm planning to take my PALS in June, when it's offered by my ward. But here in Canada it's a two day course with an exam, instead of a one day.
That's so sad... but at least there are people there to help them. Shocking that people would throw their kids out :(
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