Monday night was beautiful. The temperature was low 50's. It was the warm before the cold front. The perfect night to be outside. We went to Centerville park to watch them turn on the lights. They did a count down and then the lights came on. Sean loved it. Santa was there. It was the same Santa that Sean saw when he was just a few weeks old.
Char being cheesy.
Steph being purple.
Jacob came too. Jacob is a big believer in Santa. We have to keep reminding Sean not to tell others that Santa isn't real. He can't understand why other people believe in Santa. Now he doesn't tell kids that Santa isn't real. He ask them "do you believe in Santa?" When they say yes he rolls his little six year old eyes. He is a funny kiddo. He is SO competitive. On Wednesday Jake stayed with us late because his parents were out. He did homework at our house. Jake struggles academically. Don read a Dick and Jane book with Jake. Sean then had to read a Dick and Jane book to me at the same time to show that he could read it faster. Sean has turned in three or four reading pages. Each page represents about sixty books. Jake hasn't turned in any but has one page about half done. For some reason that bugged Sean and he stayed up until after 10 reading. He wanted to get his page completed so he could turn it in. I am glad he likes to read but he could pick someone a little more challenging to compete with. His little "kindermance" Samantha is a prolific reader. Samantha is in our little car pool now and Sean loves that they get to ride to school together. Samantha lives just a few blocks away with her grandparents.
Levi and Art.
Levi and Penny.
Hanging out with the man. Nate has spent a couple of nights at our house. It has been a lot of fun for him and Sean to get to know each other again.
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