Monday, May 4, 2020

May the 4th be with you... technically it's the 5th

As usual I can't sleep so I'm typing at 1 a.m.  I've walked at least 10,000 steps everyday for eight weeks. Today I made 20,000. Across from the park there's a fence with artwork.

I've given up on counting days. I worry that things are going..... the wrong way.  The country is so worried about the economy that they are trying to get everyone back to work even if it's not really safe for them to be back at work. The president is insane and somehow people keep supporting him.  St George Island is taking an interesting approach. They are allowing people to stay in hotels but not rentals. People are protesting the shut down and demanding their right to do whatever they want. For some reason at the same time many protesters are wearing guns and somehow involving their second amendment rights. The world is seriously confused and messed up. We are still debating if we should go to Fla this month. Utah is fairly stable and the beach is safe but could we get sick on a flight. Steph is worrying  about catching Corona and we couldn't be closer than 6 feet to the girls. 
I just noticed today that there are stickers on the floor at the grocery store telling you what direction to watch. They've been there a couple weeks but I never saw them. I guess I've been walking the wrong way.

Sean was complaining about his bathroom needing to be cleaned. It was a great segue into Sean learning how to clean a bathroom.

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