Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Online school

Sean made honor roll last semester. He worked kind of hard. It's pretty amazing that he can get all his school work done in usually 2 to 3 hours a day. What the heck are they doing at school all day.

This term has had it's challenges. The district had him in 3 different Utah Studies classes. I told the teacher he had last term and she said just have him pick one and don't worry about the others. She emailed me that she was frustrated with the way they were adding and taking kids out of classes. Out of the blue they took Sean out of the class he was doing and kept him in the class he had never logged in. This seems easy enough to solve but his Utah Studies didn't have the power to add him to her class but said she was happy to have him back. His counselor couldn't add him because Mrs. Lott's class was full. I had to call the principal and I'm not going to lie, she was not very friendly. She told me we had put Sean in two different types of classes that made it difficult. I told her the district had screwed it up from the beginning and she basically said tough he has to stay in the class he is in and I said no he doesn't. I told her to call Mrs. Lott. A couple hours later the principal sent me a non apology letter saying she didn't know why Sean's schedule had gotten messed up but he was back in Mrs. Lott's class.  I can't even imagine how screwed the kids are who's parents aren't checking their work everyday. I know Sean would have never even noticed that his Utah Studies class disappeared he just would have quit doing it.

Another one of Sean's assignments that made me smile.

Is it ok to lie?

In the article Is It Ever Okay to Tell a Lie? Here's a formula for calculating the risk involved in telling a lie by Suzanne Degges-White Ph.D it says that you can lie as long as it’s to protect someone's feelings.

 I don’t agree with this because you want to tell the honest truth. If you tell a little lie you might have to keep on lying from then on. The article says  “Plus, once you tell a lie (say, claiming LeBron James is your cousin), you might have to tell more lies to keep up the charade” Sometimes one lie can lead to the next and then you will have to keep lying about something and once you get caught it’s not going to be fun.

Lying to help your friend out maybe ok but just flat lying for no reason or to keep yourself from trouble is not OK.. When I was little I would ask my mom where I came from. Since I was adopted my told me that I came from my biological mom’s tummy and then I would get mad. Eventually my mom said “you came from my tummy” so that I would quit being mad.

But even when my mom lied it still wouldn’t change anything cause I already knew I was adopted and somehow I knew I didn’t grow in her tummy. About a year later when I was five  I asked my mom if she would tell me the truth no matter what. She said yes. I asked her whose tummy I came from and she said Jennie’s.  Then I asked my mom again if she would always tell me the truth. She said yes. I then asked her if  Santa was real and she said no.

 After that I went around and told everyone that Santa wasn’t real. I I told people in my kindergarten class, I told people in the line waiting to see Santa. When that happened my mom told me that I can’t say that so I was confused because it was the truth. And I think white lies are dumb because the truth will set you free :D.






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