Saturday, March 3, 2012

One more time: Update with picture prelude

Sean got this fire station "doll house" for Christmas a couple of years ago. He's never really played with it. He and Ethan dragged it out and started playing but I don't think it is the intended use. Oh well. Last week Sean was going to Dairy Queen with  Ethan and came running in the house yelling "I need your plastic card, Mom!" Gee, he's starting young with that.

Sean's new school pictures.

Saga update: Jenny got sentenced to a year in jail beginning immediately for her parole violations. She gets credit for the 30 days she's served so she only has 335 left.

The trial for the girls starts Monday. Jenny asked me to be there for support when she terminates her rights to the girls. She is "hoping" Ryan does the right thing. We are all hoping Ryan does the right thing. She still has a lot of court dates coming up so I don't know if all her sentences will end up being consecutive or if they are going to get stacked. I'm guessing they will be consecutive as they really don't have room in the prison system. Honestly, after she signs termination papers I won't care anymore. Sad life she's lived and I don't see it getting any better. She's never utilized the opportunities she's been given and just keeps digging herself a deeper hole. It's going to be really hard to get a job when she gets out with her new charges.

It's weird to know I won't see her for a long time, or have her calling. I'll still send her letters but I don't plan to visit. Sean hasn't asked about her. The girls know she's in jail. The other day Sean got mad at me and said "I will put you in Jay El and then my momma will be in Jay El". (He and Ethan put the bad guys in jail a lot). I had to laugh. He has no concept of what jail really is but he's already got Mommy Jenny there;( I don't see any reason to tell him.

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