Friday, February 27, 2009

AJ and his brother from another mother

Sean has taken to throwing everything he can find in the bathtub. He finds it tremendously entertaining. He wanted to put AJ in there but he couldn't lift him.
AJ is busy this week. He's taking my CNA class so he can help me at the classroom and he is finishing up his pharmacy tech program.
David went to his hockey tournament last weekend. They lost both games 7 to 1 but he scored one of the points which means he scored half of all their points. He is still not doing great in school. We don't understand him. I think he was abducted by aliens and replaced with a morose, uncommunicative adolescent. I only hope that someday the aliens return the real David! We will wait and see. I hope he comes back soon because his replacement is not nearly as fun to be around as the old David.
Sean and I went to Steph and Dan's new place today. It is really cute and very open. It's a happy little apartment. Sean and I also went to his parents new apt. LDS social services is paying for an apt for them until the baby is born and placed for adoption. It's really close to Steph's apt and has the potential to be cute or totally ghetto. I told Jenny I was going to make her a cleaning chart. I took her some blankets and towels today and the clothes I had taken from their last apt. When they moved out they just left everything. They left all their dishes and stuff "cause they were dirty." I told Jenny she had to quit living a disposable life. Good Grief. Brie is with Heather the past few days. Heather is the one who is adopting the new baby. I guess Holland, Heathers' two year old said "Brie isn't my friend, she's my sister." Cute, maybe someday it will be true.

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