Thursday, June 17, 2010

Visit number 2

I continue to be very frustrated. I feel like I am in a game of chess. Sean’s parents are in check (I have Sean, the state has the girls) but I really want check mate and game over. I don’t know how long this game will last. There’s not much I can do so I just have to wait it out.

Jenny has been calling and calling. Usually from a blocked number. She repeatedly tells me she hasn’t talked to Ryan, doesn’t know where he is or anything about him. I know that is not true and it really bugs me that she is lying to me. I found a phone ap that unblocks telephone numbers. If a blocked number calls and I don’t answer within a few seconds it sends back the number unblocked. Gee, want to know whose number she is calling from, sun up to sun down? Give up, okay I will tell you, its Ryan’s! 8 a.m. she is calling from his phone, 8 p.m. she is calling from his phone, and lots of time in between. The no contact order by the courts is laughable. No one cares that she is in violation. She calls from another number too. She said it was her cousin Dale’s girlfriend’s mother. It is in fact her friend Cristin who lives across the street from Ryan. Go figure. It is like she lies to me just to lie.

Back to the visit. I met her at the training table downtown. I told Sean in advance we were going to see her and he said “OK, I see Jenny.” At first he was standoffish but he warmed up. The first thing he asked was “where is Brie?” She had seen the girls the day before. She said they look OK but are both sick. She also said that she hates her attorney because she is lazy and wants her to plead guilty to exposing the girls to domestic violence. She kept saying she can’t believe all this is happening over something “stupid and nothing.” I reminded her, this wasn’t stupid and nothing, and was in fact a big deal. She is just looking at the one incident and I am looking at 2 and half years of ongoing neglect. She said they are telling her she won’t get the kids back that they will go to the foster family or Ryan. RYAN!! Are you kidding me! She said they substantiated the abuse charge in regards to Brie but dropped them. That makes no sense to me at all. Then again, she lies to me so much I don’t know what truth is and what fiction is.

She said she is starting a housekeeping job at a hotel today. I can’t imagine how she got hired in housekeeping. Don’t they do criminal background checks? At one point when she was telling me she hadn’t talked to Ryan I told her she forgot to block one of her calls. She said “oh, I saw him at court and used his phone.” I let that go. She said Ryan isn’t living at the house anymore but she doesn’t know where he is. I don’t believe that either, what with her being with him all day yesterday.

After lunch we went outside on the grass and Sean played dinosaur with me and Jenny. It was actually quite touching and might have been endearing if she didn’t lie to me so much. She asked if she could have Sean for a whole day next week. I said we’d talk about it. I don’t want to argue with her but there is no way when she is under court ordered supervised one hour per week visits with the girls that I am going to let her take Sean anywhere unattended.

One last thing. She said the judge wants a copy of Sean’s custody papers. I told her DCFS already had them but I would fax them to the judge. She gave me her attorney’s card. I asked her why they would want the papers and she said they were asking about Damien, Sean and Ryder. Why? She said they want to know why only two of her five children lived with her. Reasonable question but I still only believe small snippets of what she says.

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