Friday, June 25, 2010

My Sharona oops, I mean My Subpoena

I just received a subpoena. It’s reminiscent of my days as an ER nurse. It says “THE STATE OF UTAH SENDS GREETINGS TO:
Carol Lindsay

Followed by: YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear……For failure to attend you will be deemed guilty of contempt of court.

Wow, it starts off so nice but then takes a turn for the nasty. Kind of like my relationship with Jenny and Ryan. Oh wait, that didn't start out nice it started as a crisis and has never changed! I tried to call the AG’s office but they are out on Fridays. I am curious as to if this testimony is just in regards to Brie being hit or if it is more inclusive. I know it involves Brie being hit because after they served me they were headed to my family doctor to serve him and the only time he has ever seen Brie was when I took her in the day after Kylie said he had hit her. The ironic thing is I was initially making an appointment for Brie’s chronic stomach pain and it became something very different. I'm sure my family doctor is just so grateful that I dragged him into this.

Testifying makes me nervous because Jenny and Ryan will be in the court room and it is not going to be comfortable. Or maybe it will be just Ryan as I'm not sure this has anything to do with Jenny. They have different charges and different attorneys in regards to the girls custody. I have really tried to maintain a very civil relationship with them but it’s deteriorating. I think their relationship with everyone they know is in peril. I am pretty certain when the fraud charges go to court I will be getting served and asked to testify about that as well.

There are no words to describe how sick I am of Jenny and Ryan and their continuous state of crisis and I despise that I am being dragged into it.


Anonymous said...

Still no subpoena for me. Guess I'm just not as cool as you! Sorry its all still such a mess for you, but hopefully a certain two people we know will be behind bars really soon.

Standinginhislight said...

indeed you have a right to be tired of it all...keep on keeping on... I am in awe of your stamina.


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