Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A healthier week

Thank goodness we had a much healthier week! Sean is out of the hospital and happy. He had his PICC line removed yesterday and last night we both slept through the night for the first time in two weeks. No more three plus hours a day of being hooked up to the IV! No more midnight doses. I am very grateful that we were able to do the final 10 days of antibiotics at home but am equally grateful we are done. Thank goodness for modern medicine and home health. Sean was cute in a sad way when his PICC was removed. I told him it was going to be done and he said "I'm scared it will hurt." I said, "It's OK to be scared but it won't hurt other than having the tape removed." When Scott the home health nurse got here Sean told me again he was scared. I told him again it wouldn't hurt but I understood that he was scared. He said "I'm going to be mad and I'm going to scream." Scott brought candy for Sean (and one for Ethan but Ethan wasn't here). Sean sat in my lap and I took off the bandage I said it's OK to scream. He screamed like he was being really hurt. He screamed so loud I think they could hear him next door. Alika came running down the stairs thinking he was hurt. When the catheter came out he was watching and then he kind of smiled and said through tears "that didn't hurt." Scott asked if he wanted to save the catheter to show it to people and he said "NO!"

We went to an open house at the Bountiful airport on Saturday. It was fun, lots of cool planes and helicopters.

Sean practicing being CEO so that someday he can afford a plane like this.

The other highlight of our week is they slurried our road. Sean and Ethan started following the street sweepers in the morning. It was a whole day of entertainment for three year old's they followed the trucks up and down the street riding their bikes on the side walk. They thought it was totally cool. I told them it was an example of why they should go to college. It was a nice day out, not to hot but by golly that's a dirty job and would be miserable in the heat.

Alika and Sean painted yesterday. They are both excellent artist.

Other notes:
Jenny resolved her felony fraud charges. She pleaded guilty to a third degree felony they gave her a five year suspended prison sentence, put her on probation for three years and told her she has to pay back $16500.00. Right, like that's going to happen. They didn't even suspend her from getting welfare so she can use her new welfare to pay back her welfare fraud. It's insanity!

Alika had an audition for a hair stylist position at a salon she really wants to work at. She had to bring in three models and do three haircuts while they watched. Intense.

Alex and Loreal are buying a house in West Jordan they are supposed to close at the end of June.

Steph has been painting Grandma's half of the basement. Grandma has a mural she wants painted on her wall. AJ is only taking one summer class and it is Spanish. He's having fun trying to become bilingual.

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