Saturday, October 15, 2011

I amuse myself!

I had an assignment for an article for the Tribune about a group of ladies having a 40 year reunion with their Junior High Choir leader. That made all the ladies in the group 55. Most of them last saw each other in high school.  I had to drive out to Sandy for the interview. When I pulled up to the house a bunch of women and their teacher were standing on the front porch. They were watching me get out of the car so excited trying to figure out who I was. I ran up the steps and said "HI EVERYONE! I am so excited to see you!" They all said, "we are happy to see you too. You look great! We are so glad you could make it." I said "do you know who I am?" And they looked embarrassed and someone said "help me out." I said "I'm Carol the reporter from the Salt Lake Tribune." I guess you had to be there but it was pretty darn funny,I had them going! They then invited me to their party but I declined though they did seem like a fun bunch.

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