Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Today was the mediation. I've only heard Jenny's perspective but it would appear there was lots of screaming and yelling and it is going to trial on December 9th. The mediation turned into DCFS trying to terminate Jenny's overnight visits. They told her she had to arrange appropriate long term babysitting. They got on her about the lack of heat and warm water which she said wasn't her fault. She then asked me to take the girls this weekend. I told her we were going out of town and I couldn't do it. She was tearful and angry and said she just wanted it to be over "Take the kids or give them back, just do it." I said you could end it Jenny you could give them up. That made her crazy and she said "I will fight to the bone to get those girls back in my house." Strange way of saying it. I said "Bries' been in foster care half her life Jenny. She was talking about how confusing it is for the girls. I wanted to yell at her that it's only confusing because she tells the girls to lie and keeps telling them they are coming home forever when she doesn't know if they are. If she would just play nice the girls would be OK with it. She's the one causing them stress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jenny called me on Saturday. She told me she was getting the girls back on Wed. I didn't believe her for a second of course. She also said, "I don't know what Carol's thing is right now." Not sure what she meant by that, she didn't elaborate and I didn't pry. She also told me she left her last apartment becuase it was gross and had blue carpet and she just wanted soemthing nicer. ha ha. The poor girls though, I am sad for them.

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