Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Happy Birthday Claire Valentina

Steph got induced on April 20th. They got to the hospital at 9 and Val made her entrance sometime after 5. And what an entrance she made. She was born in a wave. A couple of hours before she was born she was having some decelerations with contractions so they did an amnioinfusion. This made Val happy and she quit having decels with contractions. It also put a lot of extra water up above her. When Steph was pushing she started having decels again. This was news to all of us because none of us were looking at the monitor we were looking at Steph. The doctor very calmly said "Steph the baby's not liking this and her heart rate is dropping. Your skin is really tight, is it OK if I cut you?" Steph said "yes." AJ and I both looked over at the monitor and as soon as the doctor gave her the episiotomy the baby flew out in a huge wave of water. 

Khloe was amazing! Before Steph started to push Khloe got bored. She took her little mini mouse suitcase and said "come on mama, come on papa, come on Tita, vamos." Once it was time for the baby to be born Khloe was totally into it. Steph didn't want her watching from below so I had her up at the head of the bed. There was a mirror on the ceiling and Khloe watched the mirror the entire time. AJ and Steph had shown her some deliveries on youtube. Khloe said "Mom goes AHHHHH (and she shakes both her little hands) and then the baby comes out the bum." She looked over at Steph's face and touched her cheek. She was a little surprised because her mom didn't say "AHHHH." As soon as the baby was in Steph's arms she kept saying, "baby, baby, baby." She was so dang cute. She even watched the mirror during the placenta delivery. I think she's a future obstetrician. She was totally into it.

Claire Valentina Cramer 7 pounds 5 ounces. She has hair!

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