Friday, March 2, 2018

Attendance letter #2

I knew it was coming!

1155 N MAIN ST
February 27, 2018

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We have become increasingly concerned with SEAN's lack of attendance. To date he/she has 21 absences
and 7 tardy days. Prior efforts on the part of the school to resolve your student's absences have proven
Utah State Law requires a parent to enroll and send their school age minor to school. The law states;
"Any parent of a school-age minor shall upon written request from a local school board or school
district, cooperate with school authorities in resolving the minor's school attendance problem".
This behavior violates the law (U.C.A. 53A-11-103).
It is of vital importance to your student's success that he/she is in regular attendance at school. Failure to resolve your student's attendance problem may result in subsequent referral to the District's Student Services Department, and ultimately, a referral to juvenile court for Compulsory Education Violation.
Please call the school at 801-402-1850 as soon as possible to schedule an appointment to meet with our Local Case Management Team where together we can formulate a plan to do what is in the best interest of your student, and avoid referral to the Davis District Attendance Team.
Amada Keller

I responded with this email to Amanda and Sharon:

Holy Hell, now I'm going to the clinker! By all means have that Case management team meet with me so I don't get referred to the District Attendance Team because that sounds downright scary.

Sharon will you please clear those absences for the second week Sean was sick in February.  I gotta say 21 absences and 7 tardy days is impressive!
Is Sean in the running for the award for the most missed days? 

A negligent parent, 

 And got these in return:

Haha. Sadly, he isn't even in the running for the most missed days award.
Consider this as your meeting with the case management team.
Thanks for all you do!

Amanda Keller
Jennie P. Stewart Elementary

Sean is nowhere near the record for the most missed days, sorry!  But 21 absences IS an impressive number.  We wish we had more parents like you!

Sharon Gold

I am amazed at how well he has kept up for missing so much school

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