Sunday, June 24, 2018

Saturday: laundry, food and fish under water

All our towels were sandy and wet so we took a field trip to the laundry mat.

We stopped for our class Catalina picture.

We stopped at Coney Island West for hotdogs, hamburgers and mediocre cheese fries.

Then we went under water for a submerged fish watching adventure. I've done this a couple of times but for some reason this time it made me sea sick. It bothered the kids too. The fish were awesome but the nausea was not. We were all glad to get out of that underwater boat.


The kids have spent so much time in the water. They have played in the ocean for hours every day. There time is usually broken up into a morning swim and afternoon/evening swim so they are taking two showers a day too. They are pretty clean kids. They were out on the Wibit and a seal swam about 10 feet away from them and scared Kylie. Today it took a long time before she would go above her head in the water.

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