Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Push, Push, Push

One final PUSH and just like that a four and a half year pregnancy is over and we proudly announce the delivery of our son, Sean William Lindsay.

All those people who say they will adopt because it is easier than giving birth they are so right. That was SOOOO easy. No pain, no stress, no sleepless nights just a quick snap and we have a beautiful son.

An elephant has finally removed it's huge body from my chest. It's been suffocating me for years. When I left the court room I whooped a little! Sean was cute, he said "I'm a Lindsay!" As we were leaving other people in the court room said "good bye Sean Lindsay."

We are happy! I've been joking with AJ that when the adoption was final I was going to rent a pony and have a party. When we got home from court I called and rented a pony.

All you in town blog readers mark your calendars. Saturday May 12 from 4 to 7 we are having an adoption celebration pony party (Open house) at our house. Join us!

I've been waiting a long time for this picture.

Sean gave a high five to the judge.


hope2adoptbaby said...

Awesome. So glad this day finally arrived. Congrats. Shelby

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I cried yesterday when I got your text, again last night when I got the email, today after I hung up from talking with you, and again right now reading your post. I can't stop crying! All incredibly happy tears of course. You would think it was my son's adoption, I'm so stinkin' happy! 4 1/2 years is waaaay too long to wait for this, you are my hero to handle it so bravely and so well. I am so happy for all of you guys--and especially for my boy's "brother from the same birth mother" whose awesome life is now legally permanent.Yippee!!!!!

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