Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Another visit with the sisters

I over saw another visit at DCFS with the girls this morning. The girls are great. We made spiders and bats for Halloween. Jenny and Ryan have been a little pre-Halloween spooky. Saturday Jenny called me and asked if she could see Sean. I said yes. She came over about an hour later and picked Sean up. She asked where they should go and I said Sean liked the Centerville library park. I put the scooters in the back of her car and off they went. Two hours later she brought Sean home and came in to sit down and talk for a minute. She said "guess who we ran into at the park?" Hm, let me guess, could it be Ryan? She said "Ryan." Really, you ran into Ryan at the Centerville park, what are the odds? I said, "Jenny please tell the truth, you dropped Ryan off at the park came and picked up Sean then met up at the park." She said, "no his dad drove him there." I still don't believe her but whatever. Then she told me that Ryan had given the state a family member to talk to about the girls and that she had given them her brothers name at the states request. (I love it when there is a little truth in her lies.)  I asked her if she honestly thought sending the girls out of state to live with strangers was a good idea. I suggested focusing on doing what the state tells her to do. The foster mom told me yesterday that the out of state placements didn't work out. Apparently Jenny's brother with five kids who is going through a nasty divorce isn't up to taking the girls nor is Ryan's 68 plus year old grandmother.

Yesterday I got a call from the DCFS case worker. She wanted to know if Jenny let the girls talk to Ryan at the last visit I supervised. I told her yes, Jenny said the restraining order had been dropped. She told me she had a paper in her car from the judge. I told Clare that she had met Ryan on Saturday when she had Sean. Clare says that the family judge has not told them they could be together or communicate. Hm, Jenny lied to me, go figure? I told DCFS if they didn't want me to supervise vistits I understand. She said she would ask the judge what to do. Not that I belive what Jenny says to me but I don't like her putting me in the middle of her lies with DCFS. Jenny told me that she and Ryan might go to counseling and might get back together. (might, looks to me like they already are.) I reminded her that he had her put in jail a month ago and had a girlfriend but it appears that she is a very forgiving person.

I told Jenny today that Clare had called and about our conversation. She said she hadn't lied and she needed to go to the court and get a copy of the letter. (The one she told me was in her car) The social worker told me the report she was filing with the court was not good. It will be interesting to see what happens on Monday. I'm still not impressed with the judge. So far she's been very easy on them. Their judge has retired but according to my niece is still filling in. DCFS, the foster family and me are all hoping for a different judge on Monday. Jenny still parked her car in a parking lot away from DCFS. She thinks they haven't figured out that she and Ryan are driving the same car. I guess they have gotten away with lies for so many years they think that they can continue. Who knows maybe they can or maybe, just maybe they won't get away with it any more.

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