Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Playing with his sisters and brother

Kylie and Brie spent the night Sunday. We had lots of fun. There was so much giggling that a little before midnight I had to move Sean to our room and lay down with the girls so they would go to sleep. They were so excited to see each other. They still got up at 7.

On the way to pick up the girls Sean asked if Luke was coming he said "Luke's my family too." I thought it cute that he considers Luke his family. When I told Lanette we'd have to have Luke come next time Kylie and Brie were not in favor. "Sean's ours not Lukes." They do not want to share their little brother.

Lanette said they chosen new names for the girls post adoption. Kylie is Kylie McKell and Brie is Brianna .... I can't remember the middle name it is Lanette's mother’s middle name. It was an old name, very pretty. Brie's middle name is the letter Z and Kylie's is Marie so I really like the new names. Brie will still be called Brie. I like the change to make them part of Lanette's family but not so much of a change that it would be confusing. It was easy for us because I like the name Sean and his middle name was already William which is the same as Don's so his name was perfect for our family.

We went up to the lake to swim and play. Heather met us there with Holland and Ryder. The kids played so well together. I love how seamless the relationship is. While the girls don't want to share Sean with Luke they have no problem whatsoever including Holland in their play. They love her. They all played so well they even played "house" at the condo which I thought was cute. Sean and Ryder were the babies.

All five of them. We tried to set them on the log but it wasn't comfortable so this was the pose the kids came up with. I think Kylie and Brie had forgotten Ryder was their brother.  Or maybe they just didn't realize he was the "baby" they had met before but was big now. Didn't really matter, they liked him no matter what. Kylie looked at Ryder and said "that boy looks like Sean." Heather explained that they all came out of Jenny's tummy (but not at the same time). I  love how Holland accepts all Ryder's "other family." She thinks they are great fun there is a real connection. There was no division when they played, not even a boy girl division they were just a happy group of kids. I hope that the relationship between Sean, Kylie, Brie and Ryder keeps them from ever feeling like they are missing a connection with their biological family. I want them to always be a positive and healthy support for one another even though they are being raised by different families.

It was cool when we got there but got hot fast. By the time we went back to the condo the sand was burn your feet hot!

Ryder protecting our picnic from those rascally seagulls. He had fun throwing food to them.

We started at the pool and finished at the pool. It felt really good after walking back from the lake in the heat. Heather and all three girls. 

Sean and Ryder playing in the baby pool.

The four siblings watching TV. I'm not sure why they are sitting so close. Maybe because Kylie and Brie didn't bring their glasses and Sean and Ryder haven't gotten any yet. Despite all Jenny's failures in life she sure made some great kids who are very loved by their families.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, those pictures made me smile and sigh in content. What a great day that was--thanks again. And we can't wait to play again!

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