Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas: That's a wrap!

Christmas turned into a whirlwind of family. We had the gingerbread house party. Tyson and Jameson played with Sean all day Christmas eve day. Christmas eve we went to Linda's house (Catherine and Jaclyn's mom) then we came home and played games with AJ and Steph. On Christmas the kids came over for breakfast and some of them for dinner.

Sean was so excited Christmas eve, he fell asleep in about three minutes. He didn't wake up until 8. He had forgotten it was Christmas until he saw his stocking was full. Then he said "Santa came!" He looked downstairs at the tree and the presents and said "where is everybody, we have to wait." He did not complain about waiting at all. He opened his stocking and we played with the Santa Darth Vader he got until the other kids started to arrive.

David was the second to arrive Christmas morning. He played marbles with Sean until everyone else arrived. David still doesn't have a job and is not going to school. He says he can't do anything because he is too depressed. That's a hard place to be the less you do the more depressed you become. He is giving his mother gray hair and I don't envy her. On a funny David note: I took his stocking out to fill it up and when I turned it upside down the gift cards I gave him last year were still in the stocking. So guess what he got? Give up? I put those gift cards right back in his stocking and gave the new ones to the other kids who I knew would use them. I gave David a little cash because I figured he might stick that in his wallet and use it to put gas in his car but who knows maybe it will still be in his stocking next year.

When were kids dad used to buy us little Whitman Sampler boxes at Valentines. The boxes had three pieces of candy in them. When I saw this box it made me laugh and I wanted to buy it for my dad. Since my dad is not here I bought it for my mom because she could appreciate the thought. I don't know what she's going to do with it but it made her laugh.

It was a LEGO, Star Wars sort of Christmas for Sean. He had a great day. On Christmas eve he asked me if I had written a letter to Santa telling him what he wanted and I said no. We didn't visit a single Santa this year. Sean was pleased that Santa got it right without being told. Santa's awesome that way.

Santa doesn't have to be told that Carter is all about the NY Jets and money. He had to leave before breakfast to deposit his cash. He is a funny guy.

Yep Alex wanted a Super Mario Wii game. Santa delivered.

Polly was all over the place. She doesn't sit down for a minute. I don't know what she's going to do when I take the Christmas tree down because she kept leaving me gifts under it. Not to be ungrateful but they were gifts that I would have preferred she left in the yard. In her defense she's a three pound dog with hardly any hair and she's not to fond of cold weather. And Pekoe....where to start with Pekoe. They keep him on a strict diet because his breed is prone to being overweight. I sneak the dog some food and what does he do? He runs and finds AJ or Steph with the food in his mouth as if to say "LOOK WHAT I GOT, LOOK WHAT I GOT." Silly dog he needs to get a clue and just eat it while he's standing next to me. That dog can't keep a secret!

They played a board game. I don't know what it was, I didn't play. Char got it for Christmas.

I love my nephews but I will never understand why people give them gifts in the form of weapons even if they are Nerf's. They turn everything into a weapon, why give them weapons with built in projectiles. Just asking for drama. Fortunately, despite all the Christmas projectiles they brought over there were no injuries.

Steph had a cold.
I got some new cook wear because AJ and Steph were tired of looking at my beat up pans. Don got me a robot vacuum cleaner. I'm excited about it! We aren't going to set it up until we take the tree down. You can program it to vacuum every night while you sleep. (We will see how loud it is). It's called Neato but we renamed it Maria.

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