Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sean's Christmas Program

Sean's Christmas program was your classic school program. Some obnoxious kids ran around and got in the way. A little girl pulled her dress up over her head in the middle of the performance. Most of the time she buried her head in her hands and tried to disapear but when she had to stand up for the dance she couldn't cover her face with her hands and the skirt came in handy. Yes, poor little girl I caught the entire thing on video and posted it on You Tube. If you ever run for president that video will surface and cause a scandal I am sure.

The kindergarten boys did a Mexican cowboy dance but it looked more like a pecking chicken dance. If you don't believe me watch the video. I've watched it a couple of times and I'm still not sure what that was. The closing song was cute. Mary was a no show so one of the angels had to stand in.

Little girl kneeling in front of Sean is the one who really hated being on stage. I am shocked I have a picture of her face.

The entire scene. This year was easy all Sean needed was jeans, a white shirt and black tennis shoes. I remember the year we got back from Florida the day before the program and I was told he was supposed to be a sheep. Seriously, 18 hours notice for a sheep costume. It didn't happen, he went as a shepard in a plaid bathrobe from Walmart.

Sean and Lincoln. No stage fright with those two.

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