Saturday, December 26, 2015


Claudia started feeling bad the week before the Christmas class. She thought she had the flu. I told her on Wednesday that I would teach for her on Friday but she was convinced she'd be better. She said she was confused and had terrible vertigo. She'd been to the ER and they told her she was fine and to take some meclazine. Thursday night she called and said she was too sick to teach. She was even more confused and kept repeating herself. She went to the ER again on Thursday and they sent her home again. On Friday they finally admitted her. I went and saw her Saturday on my way home from work. She looked terrible. She said she had gotten so sick in the night she couldn't breath and thought she was dying. She kept pushing her call button and no one would come. Doug had gone to get something to eat. She got out of bed and crawled in the hall. The housekeeper found her unconscious in the hallway. Good grief. They called the rapid response team and did another CT scan. They still couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. On Sunday she has a seizure and coded. They moved her to the neuro ICU. She couldn't follow instructions and didn't know who anyone was. I talked to Lynda this morning. Claudia's back on the floor. She had another seizure but she knows who everyone is and she's not in pain. They did an MRI with contrast. The latest diagnosis is some sort of virus in her brain.

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