Friday, June 30, 2017

Keeping busy

Khloe and Valley spent the day over yesterday so we walked to Chick Fil A. Khloe pushed Valley in the stroller the entire way there and back.

Sean told me I couldn't show this picture to anyone outside family. I'm figuring my private blog is safe.

Khloe has excellent vision. She saw this praying mantis in the grass. She kept saying "what's that Grandma?" It took me forever to see what she was talking about. It was a baby. She wouldn't touch it.

She will however fill her hands with meal worms and feed the chickens.

I thought one of those chickens was going to steal a graham cracker out of Valley's hands.

That face! Oh my gosh. AJ says I'm prejudice but I don't think so.

All that walking made Khloe tired.

All that being pushed made Valley tired.

1 comment:

Milla Chen said...

Am I allowed to see the picture which Sean wearing a crown? haha!

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