Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Sean wore me out today. He is off his oxygen for most of the day. He needs it on around 6 in the evening. He doesn't want to wear it in public because he doesn't want anyone "to see my tail." That's what he calls the hose behind him. He is also self conscious about anyone seeing his PICC. Isn't that funny that a 3 year old can be that concerned about being different. We went to the doctor this morning and they were all happy to see how well he was doing. He played with Ethan today and they rode bikes and trashed my house until it was time for his 4 pm meds. Sean showed me how he can jump rope with his oxygen tubing. I think he's cured!

For mother's day Aric and Steph got me a lemon tree. It is blooming like crazy. I love it! I used a q tip to cross pollinate as there are no bees in our house and I mist it every day.

Tomorrow is a DCFS court hearing for Jenny and Ryan. Who knows how it will turn out. Jenny told me she was a little worried about what she was going to do if they send the girls home with her tomorrow. Eek, that's an awful thought.

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