Sean had a mostly good day. We woke up at 8:30, totally slept through the night. I woke up because I was soaked and smelled like pee. That IV did a number on Sean through the night. My friend Claire brought me lunch on her way to work this morning so I met her in front of the hospital at 8:40. I came right back up and Sean was still asleep. The nurse was getting ready to do vitals so she woke him up. He woke up grumpy! "Why am I all wet?" he asked. I told him I peed on him and he said "no you didn't, I peed on you!" He got that right. His capillary refill was greater than 5 and he looked mottled, he had no color in his lips and his respiration's were still 60. After he got up and moved around in the bed he started to look better. I gave him a bed bath and we changed the sheets. He told me he was hungry and wanted chicken nuggets and french fries. I called room service and they sent nuggets and fries for breakfast. He ate half of them. That was the most he's eaten.
He skyped with cousin Nate while he ate his nuggets. |
Don and Alika came in this afternoon. Sean was poopy and he wanted to get out of bed and walk around the room. We got an oxygen extension and took him off all his monitors. I wanted to give him a sink bath by just having him stand next to the sink. He got up and his legs were wobbly and he said he was dizzy. In the time I took to wipe him down and change him he was exhausted and asking to get back in bed. "I'm sick!" he said. We got him back in bed, his saturation's had dropped so we had to increase his oxygen, then he went to sleep. It's a reminder of how fragile he still is.
The tentative plan is a PICC line tomorrow afternoon and then home on antibiotics and oxygen.
Apparently Alika was tired too. |
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