Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Strep A pneumonia

Strep A pneumonia is the diagnosis. They changed antibiotics to clindamycin, cefoxin, and he is still on zithromax. They stopped the Rocephin. They wanted to go with something more powerful that they could give more often. Today's CXR showed a significant infiltrate in the left middle lobe and some infiltrates in the right lobe so it is multi focal pneumonia. He also has fluid building up in the base of his left lung. If it continues they may have to put in a chest tube. Depending on the labs tomorrow he may need a PICC line and feeding tube as well. It's all so frightening.

The doctor told us he was in septic shock yesterday and that if we had waited 12 hours to bring him in he would be dead. That's a punch to the gut. One of the physicians from Primaries died of Strep A pneumonia a couple of months ago so all the doctors here are very scared of the disease. The attending said it makes him very aggressive and worried and that strep A pneumonia is one of the conditions pediatricians live in fear of missing. They send a sick kid home tell the parents it's a cold and they come in the next day in septic shock in the ICU.

Gee, I was so happy getting his room all set up and now here we are at Primaries. Life can turn on a dime. I'm just hoping and praying he gets well soon. I'm grateful for all the doctors and nurses at PCMC and how attentive they have been to Sean's needs.

My mom is having a better day today. Marjie called her last night and David apologized to her and had a tear in his eye when he did it.


Jaclyn said...

Is he in the PICU or just the CMU? We can't stop thinking about all of you and the stress this is on your family. I've been on my knees many times today I'm behalf of Seaners. I know he'll turn around for the better soon. I would be so happy to go do anything you need at your house, just say the word. I'm glad to hear things are better with Savid and Grandma. Not exactly what you need to be dealing with today. We love you all an are thinking of you constantly.

Anonymous said...

Oh Carol I wish I would have read these posts about Sean earlier, I'm so sorry. We will definitely be praying for him. How scary for you guys. I'm glad you bumped into David at the hospital today, he's there all day tomorrow too if you need him! I keep thinking about the cute little Sean at my house the other day, and the sick little Sean on the hospital bed in your pictures. Tell him he has to come over and play SOON so he needs to get better super super fast! Again, we will be praying for Sean--and you too. So sorry you have to go through this.

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