Monday, July 30, 2012

Sean and his cousin

Sabrina (Jenny's sister) was moving out of the YWCA and into an apartment. She needed Empress to stay somewhere for three nights. That somewhere of course was our house.

Empress says in her new house she is going to have a princess room. I'm thinking if you are an Empress and you get moved to a princess room it is some sort of demotion. She doesn't see it that way.
Empress likes worms. She found one and held it for an hour. She kept telling us it was pooing in her hands, nice! Eventually she found a nice spot of dirt for it to sleep in. Empress is the biggest potty mouth and I mean potty as in your a poop face poop, poop, poop, potty, potty, potty. It must come from her preschool.

I took Sean and Empress swimming a couple of times. They of course thought that was great fun.

I had Empress and Sean at McDonald's play land (no this picture was later that night at the mall. Hot Dog on a Stick, yep only the finest eating establishments) when a little boy cam running up yelling HI! It was Ethan. Fun times. His mom was at McDonald's trying to stay cool. They haven't closed on their house and they are staying at her moms house with no air conditioner. She is nine months pregnant and miserable. They actually went up to the lake and stayed at our condo this weekend where they could sleep in comfort.

Ethan of course had to leave McDonald's with us and spent the rest of the day and evening playing.

On Empress last day with us Taya came over and swam. She was at the house for a couple of hours and then I couldn't take it anymore. Three kids was equalling one kid left out. After both girls left Sean said "I want someone to play with" I said "I want just you!" Again, Lanette who adopted Kylie and Brie is my hero. She has adopted four kids eight and under. Chaos all the time yet her house is clean. I get tired out by the chaos.

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