Friday, January 11, 2013

Snow Day

Holy snow flakes. I can't remember the last time we had snow like this. It took me 90 minutes to get home from work yesterday.
Don had to dig the cars out today. He brought his computer home from work planning to work at home. I was wishing I had that option and I'm sure my students were all wishing they could learn from home.
Sean got out his shovel and helped fling some snow. Don's back was hurting BEFORE he started shoveling.

That's my boy. No matter how cold it is he doesn't want to wear a heavy coat. Too bulky!

 Where to put all that snow?

 Sean spent some serious time climbing to the top of this snow mountain.
AND it's still snowing. We had over a foot when we got up this morning. What will we have tomorrow?

Update on Don's mom: I don't know where she is finding the inner strength but she is hanging in there. She is literally skin and bones. Darci's best friend growing up Liz spent a couple of hours with her yesterday.

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