Friday, January 4, 2013

Today's happenings

Shirley the hospice nurse came out today. She asked if I wanted a hospital bed with side rails to keep Sharon from falling. I told her I'd taken care of that problem once and for all. The mattress on the floor is working really well. I slept last night without worrying about her falling. The dogs did chew the heck out of the egg crate. I told Sharon her "damn dogs were driving me crazy" she just laughed and said "welll, I know." I dreamed last night that Don took the dogs to the pound and they had walked back home before he got back. I don't know what's going to happen with the dogs. Everyone keeps saying that Okie is Addie's which is all fine and good but Addie's dad won't let her have him. Shane is talking about keeping them but he lives with Dava and I don't think Dava wants any dogs. Especially Polly because Polly bites her little kids. Don called animal control yesterday to pick up the old dog that lives in the back but they didn't call back. I guess these are problems we will leave with Shane. I'm sure we can find a home for Polly and Okie as they really are nice dogs. Okie is house broken, Polly not so much.

I tried to change our tickets back to Utah to Sunday but the cost was prohibitive. I think I have everything settled so life should be easier for Shane. I ordered toothettes for oral care and they came today. More Ativan and some fentanyl patches are being delivered today or tomorrow. She's wearing depends so he doesn't have to get her up to the bathroom and she's on the floor so she won't fall. He won't be doing laundry every five minutes like he was before. The dryer is installed so if he does have laundry it will be easier. When he calls the nurse to tell them Sharon has died they will call the coroner and funeral home. For some strange reason this county has the coroner go out to all deaths even hospice. Strange.

Sometimes when I check on Sharon, it's like she's disappeared. She is so tiny and curled up in a ball in the middle of the mattress it's like she's shrunk away to nothing. Once I even freaked out wondering where the heck she could have gone. I was looking around the room and then I moved the covers and there she was. Her speech is really slurred today. She is drinking sips of water with a little grapefruit juice in it. I gave her a couple of little pieces of orange yesterday and I was nervous she was going to choke because she had such a hard time chewing. I'm giving her about 3 mg of Ativan in a 24 hour period she can have up to 10. The hospice doctor wanted to know if we wanted haldol I told the nurse I didn't think that was necessary.

On other fronts:
Sean has a loose tooth. This is all sorts of exciting as he has been asking "when am I going to lose my teeth?" Last night after brushing his teeth I thought one of them looked a little crooked and sure enough it's loose.

Partying we are in Lovington.

Sean and Don went to see Don's dad and Sean played on Grandpa Dave's computer. That was fun.

Yesterday Don and Sean went to the children's museum in Decatur. Apparently Sean had to change the tire on a car there.

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